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By August 10, 2017June 19th, 2019No Comments

August is Back To School season for a lot of families. It is also a very busy time for the corporate housing industry, as parents are diligently trying to book housing in the right school district. It can be an exciting time but a stressful time too. We needed a TIME OUT!

I’m sure you all have seen the growing social media trend of kids headed out on the first day of school. The handmade signs. The perfectly cute outfits picked out the night before. The brand new backpacks and lunch boxes. Your social feeds are probably flooded with them right now! We, the AHI family decided to take a break from the madness and have a little fun of our own. Because even though we are professionals with full time jobs, going back to work after the weekend should also be celebrated!

Six weeks of a summer break?! More like a weekend watching Netflix and doing laundry. #Back2Work2107


Lounging by the pool all day and hanging out with friends all night? Sorry, no can do. Busy day at the office tomorrow…..and the next day. #Back2Work2017


Missed the bus? #Back2Work2017


To everyone going back to school, we wish you a wonderful year! Work hard AND have fun!

Thanks to those who participated in #Back2Work2017!